12 life lessons worth remembering…but only if you want more happiness and a better life!

12 life lessons worth remembering…but only if you want more happiness and a better life!

by Elyse Gorman from the Huffington Post

1. You can trust your intuition.

You have more love, wisdom and guidance inside of you than you will ever know. Next time you're lost and confused, quiet your mind and ask your heart to speak up.

2. Loving yourself is square one.

The relationship you have with yourself manifests in your relationship with others. Unconditional self-love acceptance is the key to success and happiness.

3. You don't have to be perfect.

There is no such thing. You just have to be perfectly you — authentic, real, whole and living a life that's true to you.

4. You are not your social mask, titles, roles and labels.

You are something much deeper, more beautiful and eternal than that. Your titles, levels of success and facades may change, but it is the same you underneath it all. Your essence remains…

…keep reading the full article for more life lessons and more happiness tips – HERE