Happiness on Valentine’s Day

Happiness on Valentine’s Day

Hello Happy People,

I just thought I’d send a short email to say Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happiness is partly about building positive relationships and Valentine’s Day is obviously also about something the same. It’s days like this that remind us to express our love to those close to us and to appreciate our intimate relationships. I hope you’re all doing something along these lines…

But I don’t intend to necessarily profess my love for you all here and now! Instead, I thought I’d take this opportunity to simply express my gratitude. So thanks to all of you for joining our happy community; thanks to all of you who’ve provided positive feedback over the years; thanks to those of you who’ve been involved in our coaching, courses or seminars – it’s your involvement and sometimes your suggestions that have lead to us being able to continually improve our services; and finally, thanks to all of you who’ve forwarded our eNewsletters on to others – this has allowed us to spread our happiness message even more widely.

So keep on keeping on…do what you can to be happy and do what you can to help others be happy (including encouraging them to sign up for our free eNewsletter!).

Happy Valentine’s Day and in fact…happy every day!

Keep well & keep smiling.

Dr. Happy

PS: for those of you who’ve just discovered our site you can find out more about happiness and about our happiness courses and life coaching by clicking on the resources page and/or the courses and coaching section.