Work Happiness

Work Happiness

Work happiness

Published: 26 November 2007

Workers in the UK are happy with their lot and wouldn’t leave their job for the world, a new report by has revealed.

The research quizzed five different industry sectors including engineering, sales, IT, construction and accountancy to find out about their dream job. Each sector was given the choice out of film star, footballer, charity worker abroad, doctor, food critique or their current job, and surprisingly every sector voted their own industry as their dream job.

The research found that accountants are the most content, with 89% choosing this profession as their dream job. At the other end of the scale, sales people are least content, but 21% still chose sales as their dream job compared to just 15% who would rather be a film star.

It found that 26% of engineers gave the thumbs up to their own industry, while 34% of IT workers would choose their profession again and 47% of construction workers would say construction is their dream role.

Out of those surveyed, being a footballer was second choice closely followed by charity working abroad, being a film star, food critique and, lastly, a doctor.

Corinne Dauncey from says: “The survey results are comforting and dispel the myth that workers are unhappy within their jobs. Despite reality television making glamorous jobs more attainable in the eyes of school leavers, it is reassuring to discover that there are plenty of UK workers out there who are happy in their jobs, which may not pay as much money as a film star, but offer stability, regular income and good career prospects.”