January 2009

"Happiness does not come from success, success comes from happiness" - Buddha I do that. I have a concept of success in my mind: business man, spiritual, no negative thoughts and feelings, no fear or complaining, confident, loving, beautiful and strong. I believe that if...

Since the 1970s, relationship experts have popularized the notion of "empty nest syndrome," a time of depression and loss of purpose that plagues parents, especially mothers, when their children leave home. Dozens of Web sites and books have been created to help parents weather the...

One of the key concepts within positive psychology is that of "flow". Research suggests that people who experience more flow in their lives also experience more happiness. To read an interesting summary of key points within the domain of happiness and flow - click...

I've referred to his work before and so it is, with great pleasure, that I bring you another short but interesting piece from www.jongordon.com The positive psychology research clearly shows that happiness provides many advantages and Jon sums them up nicely below. So read on...

I've often said that happiness is not a solo-effort but rather, a team sport. Very few people, if any, achieve happiness on their own. In contrast, we know from the positive psychology research that happy people have both more and better quality relationships....

Click here for a short invitation to give for happiness. Although this particular blog does not go in to much detail or elaborate greatly on the issues within this is a very important topic and one that is, quite simply, indisputible...

Four Statements to Happier By Dave Shearon Positive Psychology News Daily, NY (Dave Shearon) - January 17, 2009, 1:39 pm Dave Shearon, MAPP, applies positive psychology to both law and education. Dave writes articles about applications of Positive Psychology to law and education at...

The economy is in the toilet. Home values have plummeted. What's there to smile about? How about your freedom, your health and - most importantly - your loved ones? Those are just a few of the things associated with true enduring happiness, said social psychologist David...

Children who are more spiritual tend to be happier, according to a recently published study. Children who are more religious, however, aren"t necessarily happier, reported the team of researchers behind the study. "Our finding of a strong relation between happiness and spirituality in children, but...