June 2009

Do you look back on any given day and notice that you"ve wasted time or focused on unnecessary tasks when you could have been more productive? Do you put off a remote deadline only to rush under last-minute pressure, or dilly-dally to avoid a mandatory...

It's hard to be happy if you're flat out and busy all the time. There's no doubt that happiness partly comes from achievement and success but there's also no doubt that to really enjoy and savour life, to have authentic happiness, it's important to...

In the latest edition of Positive Psychology News Daily, John Yeager writes about...

Happiness is correlated with curiosity. A 4 year old child asks 437 questions a day. Are you asking enough questions for happiness?...

This article supports what I've been saying for years now which is that postive affirmations don't always work! There's nothing inherently wrong with positive thinking, and there's no doubt that happiness comes in part from developing optimism and positivity...

Jessica Pryce-Jones was taking her lunch-time run around St James's Park in London when she realised just how unhappy she was in her job. "I wondered if I could get gently hit by a bus because then I wouldn"t have to go back to work,"...

Although the following article, to which I'm about to point you, is about using Feng Shui to help you achieve your goals, there are (I think) some interesting points we can all take from this about designing your space to have more happiness. Check it...

One of the most common sayings generated by the science of positive psychology and happiness is that "other people matter". There's no doubt that happiness is not just a solo-endeavour but rather, a team sport. To experience real happiness, positive psychology research tells...