7 tips for finding happiness now!

7 tips for finding happiness now!

Happiness is knowing that yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift…that’s why they call it the present. So check out these 7 tips and enjoy happiness now, in the present…

  1. Be here, now…whatever it is you’re doing, do it fully and with focus
  2. Be mindful of your mind or attention wandering, and gently ease your focus back to the here and now as often as you need to
  3. Don’t shy away from unpleasant emotions but deal with them if you can or alternatively…accept them for what they are
  4. Remember you will only ever experience this moment in time once, and once only
  5. Don’t just “be” in the moment but also enjoy the moment by practicing gratitude…focus more on what you have and less on what you don’t have
  6. Appreciate where you are and what you’re doing for what it is…good and bad (but as noted above, try to focus more on the good!)
  7. Find happiness now in fun…be playful; laugh; be silly; enjoy!

So there they are – 7 tips for finding happiness now. Give them a try and as always, post your thoughts, questions, comments or experiences on our Facebook page…and then go and enjoy your weekend : )