12 things people who’re happy and who have high self esteem DON’T do!

12 things people who’re happy and who have high self esteem DON’T do!

by Brian Penny from LifeHack

Having high self-esteem is important. Without it, you’re not likely to ever gain any other esteem in life. The thing about self-esteem is everyone who has a high level acts essentially the same. We all have different hopes, dreams, experiences, and paths, but confidence is universal. Here are the things people with high self-esteem avoid.

1. They Don’t Compare Themselves to Others

People with low self-esteem are constantly comparing their situation to others – no matter what you say to them, they’re “going through the exact same thing.” On the other hand, people with high self-esteem show empathy and compassion, but they focus on themselves instead of how others are doing.

2. They’re Not Mean-Spirited

People with low self-esteem bully others. They take pleasure in putting other people down. People with high self-esteem see no need to down other people, choosing instead to encourage and celebrate successes.

3. They Don’t Let Imperfection Ruin Their Day

Perfectionism isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but obsessing over making everything perfect is a sign that you have low self-esteem. Those with high self-esteem disconnect from the results and do their best without expecting perfection.

4. They Stop Dwelling on Failure

It’s common to hear people with low self-esteem dwelling on all the ways things will go wrong. They’re positive their every failure signals an impossible task. People with high self-esteem discover why they failed and try again…

…keep reading the full & original list HERE