10 great life lessons to remember

10 great life lessons to remember

by Kathryn Sandford via LifeHack

There are so many great lessons we all learn from life. These lessons have helped me become the person I am today. Reading about other peoples’ experiences and lessons in life can give you a better understanding of how you can choose to live your life. To really appreciate the value that these lessons can bring to your life, you need to experience life and embrace the challenges that life throws at you, make mistakes, fail, and bounce back. It is these life lessons that you learn from all of your experiences that will have the most impact.

“People never learn anything by being told, they have to find out for themselves” – Paulo Coelho

So get ready, be open and look forward to passing more life tests and learning more life lessons.

1. hobbies

There are many things in our lives that we have to do, even though we may not want to do it. The trick to managing these aspects of our life is to have activities in our life that we actually enjoy and love doing. It is all about keeping perspective and balance in your life. Health, wealth and happiness are the key ingredients to living a life you love and when you have activities in your life that bring you all three, then you are definitely living a life you love.

2. over thinking ruins you…

“Paralysis by analysis” is defined in Wikipedia as: “the state of over-analysing (or over-thinking) a situation so that a decision or action is never taken, in effect paralysing the outcome.” The result is that because decisions are never made opportunities are lost. Don’t spend too much time analysing whether you should or shouldn’t act on an opportunity, or step out of your comfort zone to change your life. Manage your risk, listen to your intuition, find your courage and take action.

3. Practice

This life lesson is all about self belief and having a positive attitude in life.  Self belief and a positive attitude are the key ingredients to living a successful and fulfilled life…

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