It’s the weekend! So try one of these 16 hobbies for more happiness!

It’s the weekend! So try one of these 16 hobbies for more happiness!

Living a great life involves…fun and pleasure! 

But too often we get too caught up in all the "serious stuff" and think that non-productive activities aren't worthwhile. But they are worthwhile; because it's hard to live a really great life without positive emotions such as happiness and pleasure, and happiness and pleasure come to those who spend at least part of their time engaging in hobbies. 

So today we share with you this interesting article with 16 suggested hobbies. Sound interesting? Read on…

via DaringToLiveFully

Having a hobby is not just a way to pass the time; it can also improve the quality of your life.

A hobby is something that you do for fun or pleasure. You do it during your free time, and you don’t get paid to do it. Since hobbies are leisure activities, a lot of people discard hobbies as a “luxury” they can’t afford. Who has the time, right?

However, it turns out that a hobby is more than just a way to have fun. Picking up a hobby has myriads of benefits, such as the following:

  • A hobby can give you a sense of self-efficacy.

  • A hobby can be a creativity outlet.

  • Having hobbies will keep your brain engaged.

  • A hobby gives you something to look forward to.

  • A hobby can give you something to be passionate about.

Fun and good for you; that’s a winning combination. Below you’ll discover 16 habits that will improve your quality of life:

1. Say Your Oms. Everyone should take up meditation. But is meditation a hobby? I say that it is. Taking up meditation will help you to reduce stress, lower your blood pressure, strengthen your immune system, and even improve your ability to concentrate.

Is meditating fun? When I meditate–which I do for ten minutes, daily–I turn on my Enya CD, light a candle, and lie down on my yoga mat. Once I’m completely relaxed I get into such a good mood, that I would say that meditating is definitely fun.

2. Grow Something. Gardening is a surprisingly beneficial hobby. There’s the obvious benefit of growing your own fruits and vegetables, as well as pretty flowers, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It also does all of the following for you:

It reduces your levels of cortisol, which is the stress hormone.

Nurturing a plant from seed to fruit-bearing reinforces your ability to cause positive change in the world.

It counts as exercise (and we all need to get at least 150 minutes of exercise a week).

Studies show that gardening reduces incidence of dementia by 36%.

To top it all of, gardening puts you out in nature. I wrote about eight of the many benefits of being out in nature in this post: “8 Reasons Why You Need to Spend More Time in Nature“.

3. Reacquaint Yourself With Your Kitchen. Studies show that those who cook their meals at home are healthier and live longer than those who regularly eat out. Nutritionist Kimberly Snyder indicates that when people pick out their own food at the grocery store, they buy less processed foods, less sugary foods, and less fat. Instead, they make healthier food choices.

In addition, cooking at home helps you to save money…

…keep reading for more great ideas HERE