August 2017

via Fulfilment Daily by Jill Suttie The Challenge: While laughter is fun, it doesn’t always strengthen our connection with others The Science: Shared laughter is shown to increase the closeness and quality of relationships The Solution: Sharing jokes, even via everyday gestures, can produce positive social outcomes Victor Borge once wrote, “Laughter is the closest...

Happiness; it's there for the taking if only you can find your way around or through the obstacles. A great life; it's there for the living if only we didn't put so many things in our own way! Success and happiness obviously involve doing certain things; but...

There are so many things that can bring us happiness. And so many other things that can distract us from what's important and eat away at our happiness and wellbeing. One strategy for staying on the happiness track is...

Off the back of an increasing body of fascinating research, I've increasingly become a fan and advocate of self-compassion as a core strategy for happiness and mental health. After all, it's hard to be happy if you can't even like yourself! Health and happiness require self-care and...

It's hard to be really happy if you're not being really you. Authenticity is crucial for real and meaningful happiness. So if you want more of this "real thing", a deeper and more satisfying type of happiness, then keep reading below...

Although happiness is usually associated with positive emotions, living our best lives is also very much about creating purpose and meaning, taking care of our physical health, building positive relationships and more. The positive emotion part of happiness often gets the most attention; but research suggests...