5 simple steps to fight off loneliness

5 simple steps to fight off loneliness

I write and speak quite frequently about the importance, for health and happiness, of good quality relationships.

There’s no doubt at all, that connectedness and belonging are key contributors to happiness and living a good life.

Yet there are many people who’re not in relationships.

This doesn’t mean those people can’t boost and value other relationships in their lives; but it does mean that if intimate relationships are lacking, loneliness can become an issue.

So for anyone feeling lonely, here are some great, simple, practical steps you can take. I hope they bring you some more happiness …

via Elite Daily by Jamie Kravitz

Being single and lonely don’t have to go hand-in-hand, but if you are experiencing the blues due to the fact that you’re not in a romantic relationship, that’s totally understandable. Whether most of your friends are coupled up and it feels like you’ve been on your own for a while now, or you’ve gotten used to always being in a long-term relationship and are recently single, it can sometimes be difficult to deal. The single life definitely has its ups and downs, but rather than sit around and make yourself feel worse, there are steps you can take to counteract loneliness.

You shouldn’t jump into a new partnership just because you’re craving companionship. Instead, focus on forming meaningful platonic relationships and having genuinely fulfilling social interactions with other people. You can also bolster your own life by developing a satisfying relationship with yourself and becoming more familiar with tools to boost your own mood.

I spoke to Josh Klapow, PhD. clinical psychologist and host of radio show “Kurre and Klapow,” about how to stop feeling lonely and start embracing your single status. By setting small goals and actively working toward them every day, you can fight those lonely feelings. You’ll soon find new strategies, activities, and people to counterbalance any feelings of emptiness left by your last significant other. Here are five practical ways to fight off loneliness when you’re single, because you deserve to be happy.

1. Force yourself to have at least one fulfilling social interaction every day.

While loneliness can be driven by not being in a relationship, it can also be a result of not having enough quality social interaction, Dr. Klapow explains. You might think you’re lonely because you don’t have a significant other, but in reality, your romantic relationship probably provided quality social interactions in addition to love and romance. “When you are feeling lonely because of not being in a relationship, make sure that you are getting regular social interactions,” says Dr. Klapow. “As a general rule, you should have at least one fulfilling social interaction a day to prevent from feeling deeply lonely.”

This doesn’t mean you should go out and party every night. It’s important to seek out interactions with people that make you feel loved, engaged, interested, and happy. Call your mom and catch her up on your life, or make an effort to talk to your roommate when you’re both home after work instead of watching Netflix alone in your room. “Make sure you don’t look at it as a substitute [for a relationship] but rather as a way to nurture your need for social interaction. Force yourself to do it and you will find you feel less lonely — because you are less lonely,” says Dr. Klapow…

…keep reading the full & original article HERE