June 2019

Everyone experiences unhappiness at times; and anger and frustration and anxiety etcetera The so called "negative emotions" are just part of being human. No one is happy all the time. Happiness, it could be argued, would be meaningless without the contrast of unhappiness. And it's the...

via the Ladders by Travis Bradberry It’s no secret that we’re obsessed with happiness. After all, the “pursuit of happiness” is even enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. But happiness is fleeting. How can we find it and keep it alive? Psychologists at the University of California...

We can't be happy all the time. And our friends won't be happy all the time. But one thing we can do to enjoy more happiness is to help others. Helping others will increase the likelihood of us enjoying positive moods like happiness AND hopefully...

Are you happy? Are you living a good life? If yes, great. If no, no worries. Because where ever you are now you can enjoy more happiness and more success, you can live a better or even better life if you work towards improving certain...

via Medium by Thomas Oppong Benjamin Franklin once said, “Happiness consists more in small conveniences or pleasures that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom.” Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden are ranked among the top happiest places in the...

Even the happiest people experience unhappiness at times. Even the most successful people fail sometimes. Happiness and success are not "always". In fact, happiness and success can be helped by unhappiness and failure if ...

via Eric Barker Why is it so hard to be happy all the time? Why can’t our lives be more like the joyous families in insurance commercials and less like the lives of people making insurance claims? So what does the research say can make us happier?...