Is this the secret to saving humanity?

Is this the secret to saving humanity?

It’s often said that happiness comes from living in the moment; being present.

And to some extent it does. The practice of mindfulness and meditation have been shown in numerous studies to be hugely beneficial.

But at the same time, there are benefits that come from learning from the past; and from looking forward to the future.

In fact, on the latter, having a clear vision of a positive future can, as this article shows, be something well worth creating…

by Dewi Cooke via the Brisbane Times

There was something familiar about her. Distinctive glasses, statement earrings. Had we met before?

“Did we meet at that TarraWarra thing…?” she asked.

No, I don’t think so.

The power of connecting with your future self seems to be potent.
The power of connecting with your future self seems to be potent.CREDIT:ISTOCK

“I like your jacket,” I said. I had the same one, one of those dark blue vintage French worker-jackets that non-French workers like me seem to wear a lot now.

The woman and I went back and forth trying to figure out how we knew each other’s face but pretty quickly we figured out that we didn’t, not really.

“Maybe it’s because I see your outfit and imagine myself in it,” I offered. “Yes, we’re like our own little club,” she said back, laughing.

Later on, I realise that it’s not just because I liked what she was wearing that she seemed so familiar to me. It’s because I saw something of my future self in her – older, fun, maybe a little creative – and it wasn’t the first time this has happened.

Years ago, on our honeymoon in Japan, my husband and I spotted an older couple we still refer to as our future selves. They were cycling the island of Naoshima just as we were, taking in the various installations of the remarkable Benesse art project. And it wasn’t just that they looked a little bit like 60-something versions of us, it was something else – a kind of stylish adventurousness that we imagined one day we would also project.

We allowed ourselves to daydream what our/their lives would be like at the same age. Perhaps they were empty nesters? They looked to us like academics, or maybe one was a senior librarian – we imagined their curiosity, their interesting conversations, the ease with which they travelled through countries and cultures…

… keep reading the full & original article HERE