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via the Huffington Post by Dan Cullinson  Gaining an advantage Much in the same way that sports men and women are seeking the services of sports psychologists to develop ways to achieve peak performance, so now are businesses turning to psychology to look for ways to gain...

by Jim Witkin for the Guardian Zappos, America's largest online shoe retailer, has achieved success by nearly every conventional measure. Founded in 1999, the company reached $1bn in annual sales in less than 10 years and was acquired by Amazon in 2009 in a deal worth...

by Persephone Nicholas for the Weekend Australian What do you do when you see a spaceman? Park your car in it, man! Simon Rountree sees value in humour. Chief executive of Camp Quality, a not-for-profit organisation using fun therapy to bring optimism and happiness to the lives...

Positive Psychology, the science of happiness, is not just theory; it is based on theory and science but it has many valuable and important applications from improving education to enhancing business...

About a month ago I taught another, very successful Executive Certificate in Positive Psychology Course (click here).  I love teaching these courses partly because I'm passionate about spreading the principals of positive psychology as widely as possible but also because I tend to learn as...

That's why University of Nebraska-Lincoln researcher Fred Luthans said it's essential during an economic downturn for businesses to help employees build "psychological capital" -- hopefulness, optimism, resiliency and happiness. Besides being good for employees, it's good for business, Luthans said: Research clearly shows a company...