children Tag

via the Huffington Post by Dr. Vanita Braver Without a doubt, parenting is simultaneously the most rewarding and difficult job we have as adults. As a child psychiatrist and mom, I am always asked if I find it easier to parent given my profession. I always...

I know not all who read this blog are parents.  But I know many are.  So apologies to the former for whom this post might not be relevant; but for the latter, who're tyring their best to raise happy and healthy and successful children, then this great...

I know not all of you are parents but I know many of you are.  And if you're a parent, then one of your priorities is almost certainly raising happy children.  At the same time, your happiness probably depends a lot on your children's wellbeing. Either way,...

As a father, I've often said that having children was one of the hardest things I've ever done BUT also one of the best things I've ever done.  Personally, there's no doubt it's impacted on my happiness and pleasure in some ways, but there's also no...

by Robert Biswas-Diener ( Most people claim to want to have children and just about everybody loves their children. Which is why it is so interesting that Nobel-Prize winner Daniel Kahneman and his colleagues found that working women consider taking care of kids to be...