happy people Tag

Risk nothing and gain nothing.  Play it safe and you'll win little of consequence.  Here at The Happiness Institute we don't advocate wild abandon when it comes to approaching life but we do know that those who try new things, take calculated risks in certain areas, are...

We're all different.  And we all understand and interpret happiness differently.  But that being said, there are commonalities found across almost all really happy people.  Do you want to know what they are?  If yes, then keep reading below...

I've often said that there are no secrets to happiness.  At the same time, however, there are a number of strategies and tools, activities and exercises that the research (and my years of experience) suggest will enhance happiness for pretty much everyone.  In yet another great articlt...

It's so easy to take things for granted.  It's so easy to forget those things in our life for which we could be grateful and appreciative.  It's so easy, therefore, to experience LESS happiness that we otherwise could.  But in yet another great post from Tiny Buddha, we're...

Do you really believe? In happiness? In yourself?  Are there challenges and obstacles that thwart your full enjoyment of life?  Do you question your abilities? Whether or not you really deserve to be happy and/or to enjoy specific activities?  Many of us could answer yes to one or...

by Peggy Drexler In 1998, psychologist Martin Seligman announced he was founding a new branch of psychology—one that, unlike old-fashioned psychology, focused more on the brighter sides of human nature than on the negative, dysfunctional, or pathological. His theory: That by looking at what makes you...