negative thoughts Tag

via PickTheBrain by Alan Marsden  There you go again. Criticizing yourself with negative thoughts and constantly worrying about what other people think. You worry about what people think of your opinions and your decisions. You don’t feel good about yourself, so you hold back. But this only achieves...

via the Huffington Post by Sarah Elizabeth Richards Erica Bartlett has spent most of her adult life saying horrible things to herself. As a heavy teenager, her greatest hits included: "I'm so ugly. No one will ever be attracted to me. I can't stand to see...

It's normal to have negative thoughts from time to time.  You wouldn't be human if you didn't have the odd pessimistic doubt or catastrophic worry.  But too much of these is undoubtedly unhelpful if we want happiness.  And certain thoughts are deadset killers of happiness and life success.  So...

This simple but incredibly useful article needs little introduction.  If you want to enjoy more happiness then managing negative thinking and building optimism is vitally important.  Here are 5 tips for achieving this...