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by Nicholas Lim-Howe (Clinical Psychologist)  One of the clearest findings to emerge from research into happiness is that humans are inherently social creatures. We all need other people in order to thrive. Yet the very thing that brings so much happiness can often also cause us...

Chris Peterson, one of the founders and leading lights in the positive psychology or science of happiness movement was once famously quoted as saying that in short, when it comes to happiness...

As a father, I've often said that having children was one of the hardest things I've ever done BUT also one of the best things I've ever done.  Personally, there's no doubt it's impacted on my happiness and pleasure in some ways, but there's also no...

A few weeks ago I was asked, by one of our regular Facebook Followers, to comment on the relationship between assertiveness and happiness. It has, as you can see, taken me a while to get round to responding but I guess it's always better to...

One of the most important contributors to happiness is good quality relationships.  Many of us can learn how to enjoy more happiness by understanding what happy people do and finding a way to do something similar ourselves.  So if we can learn from the best, the happiest...

I have not qualms in acknowledging that I've had a bit of a rough month. Not everything has gone badly, in fact some things have gone extremely well; but I've had more than my share of challenges in recent times and not surprisingly, this has...

The Happiness Within - by Jaime Cundy The Cullinan diamond is the world's largest diamond. Frederick Wells, a surface manager for the Premier Diamond Mining Company, found the diamond on January 26, 1905 in South Africa. There is no argument that the diamond had been residing in...