truth Tag

Truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great attention if you want to improve your life instantaneously. Enjoying happiness isn't always easy; life isn't always easy.  But one of the things I've learned from reading the research, working with thousands of...

There are so many good people doing so much good work in the area of positive psychology and happiness but one of the best is Robert Biswas-Deiner. Once again he's written a great happiness relevant article focusing, this time, on kindess and weakness. It goes...

Which Is More Important: Truth or Happiness? Could it be that Truth leads to Happiness and vice versa? Published on May 3, 2011 by Raj Raghunathan, Ph.D In one of my favorite scenes from the movie The Matrix, Morpheus (played by Lawrence Fishburne) poses Neo (played by Keanu...